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Hello and welcome


Just a short note about what it is we do and hope to do in the future. 

I am a teacher in Hong Kong and have spent ten years teaching primary school students. In that time i have seen some examples of great practice that i would like to share. I have made resources that can be found here through links or on the site.

I have also found a shared interest with my students in the use of technology, science and general studies when teaching language. 

It is here that i will share some of the activities and resources i have both made and found.

Recently I have been learning how to make APPs for mobile phones and although late to the game i am hoping some of the things i can develop will be of use to other teachers now and in the future.

i figure there are more talented people out there than me who can make them, but all to often the apps i try to use get difficult quickly, are not specific enough with content or hit a pay wall that most students, teachers or schools can not afford. 


I hope that the content I provide will go someway in over coming those obstacles. 


One of the main challenges ESL teachers, especially in Hong Kong, bu i suspect everywhere, face is the lack of time to make an impression and therefore an impact on their students. It bothered me for quite a while and i couldn't find a solution that worked consistently for me. Then, while sitting chatting to a grade 2 student about some colouring work she was doing for Chinese and she was talking about her Mum making her a  blue birthday cake with food colouring. 

I remembered what a primary school teacher had done with me when i was at school, the rainbow milk experiment. 

Now I am am older and if not wiser at least i know more than when i was eight years old, so i know the science behind the experiment, but at the time is was like magic to me. 

I wanted to do the same when i was teaching. I went out that evening and tried to find food colouring, of course i bought the wrong type the first time, so armed the next day with a freshly googled shopping list i got the equipment needed. 

The fact that i have now made so many lessons on science and nature testifies to the difference it has made in my teaching and I am fairly sure my students experience of language learning.


I don;t do it every week, or even every month but now and then between the more traditional language lessons the students receive we will stop and do something different. 


Those 'now and thens' have turned into the highlights of my teaching, i hope some of the things i have done can help you achieve , or achieve this more often  as well. 


Thanks Mrs Smedley, your still teaching students 35 years on!




I have a small favour to ask. ​


If you do use anything I have made and it was a success, or even if it wasn't, can you let me know!

I know my students enjoy them, but only because i have tried and changed as i go along. 

So all feedback is great! and helps make improvements quicker and easier!


feel free to comment here, or drop me an email!










Check us out on the Teachers Pay Teachers and Google Playstore

Don't worry plenty of freebies there!

In The



Halloween Monster Match

The first one on Apple as well as Android.


Try it out!





October 17, 2017


CVC Word Scramble


has been launched in the Google Play-store. 

A simple, free and repetitive way to try to instill the pattern and sound blending characteristics of CVC words in a fun way. 

Take a look!




Sept 20, 2017



The first of 3 or 4 Word Scramble apps i will be making to try to target specifc  language more than some of the ones i have tried. 

This one, having said that, is more intense than the others and a bit more difficult!

of course teachers need a challenge as much as anyone else!

hope you enjoy it

15 Sept, 2017

Augmented Reality - 


My first go!

Had to try to make them simpler for my students, and suceeded! Mainly i think as it was my first time, however there are two AR APPS free on my Google store. 


One is 26 Alphabet Animals and the other is a solar system one. 


Basic but still proud of myself for doing it! Hopefully each one gets better and better!

10 Sept 2017

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