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More to life than adsense, by a novice Wix Website owner

Wix, Chitika, Adsense and a totally noob Website builder.

After a year of sporadic attempts to get my website displaying advertisements I finally gave up with AdSense and tried another provider… Chitika.

I will keep a record here for those other website owners on how it does, I am not expecting great things, but I figure at least as a learning exercise and as potentially a can of coke a month it is worth a go!

I will give you a little history first ( TL/DR - I make apps and use Google to monetize them, could never get the website to work, now I have just started with CHITIKA and there is a new shiny add on my site!)

About a year ago I was working in a English classroom in Hong kong and I loved it, but after 10 years I wanted a break and have taken a year off and am sitting in Malaysia spending as little as possible and making resources and apps to try to generate a little supplementary income. ( aren't we all)

So I have made a few English teaching apps, that are getting a little better each time I produce one ( I think at least) I have them running through AdMob and Unity Ad platform and they tick along quite nicely. Its not going to buy me a boat, but its enough for me to keep trying to SEO and ASO them to better download rates.

Now I also set up a YouYube channel, but my 60 subscribers (as of today) just aren’t cutting it with YouTube so no revenue comes from that. I also am a fair way short of the 4000 Hours, but thanks to a luckily timed waterspout that I caught on video from my apartment that will be sorted fairly soon. The Subscriders, well I guess I could ask anyone reading this! But it’s a battle for another day.

The website was set up to link from the apps and try to encourage teachers to look at my resources and other applications and hopefully use them, and that is does...kinda, though as im a teacher not a designer it is as far from pretty or stylish as a website can be and it still is far from pretty, it works but it needs help.

Anyway, I guess twenty or so times I have tried to add the link to AdSense only to be refused for lack of content warnings as their bots cant read the text in the website. (I use WIX and google bots can’t read the containers apps that WIX use) and i jsut dont produce enough content as a one man band, so the chances of me EVER getting it on AdSense are next to zero.

So with a little more time on my hands I looked for another Ad Provider and heard about CHITIKA, now I can’t say if it is good or bad, if it works or not, or even if its going to pay me that can of coke I want at the end of the month.

BUT, if you are reading this then if you look just there ^ there will be an advertisement. (YAY!)

For over a year I haven’t managed to have any on this site and now there is one sitting looking much more pretty than the rest of my site.

So if you run a WIX site, are a fairly noobish website owner like me and want to put an advertisement on your site its to let you know there are other options out there and next time I will show how its going for me. I plan on updating this time next week, but life sometimes gets in the way.

If you have other options that have worked put them in the comments or send me a mail and we can let all those others who have struggled with using Wix with AdSense as well.

As I said its not going to buy me a boat, but that drink will taste oh so good if this works!

I added this advert just to show off!

Oh just in case this was helpful.... I meant it about asking for help with the YouTube channel! Either way the tornado from my balcony was pretty cool and worth a view!

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